Maine Morning Story | Mount Desert Island
Maine Morning Story | Mount Desert Island
Pond Island Lighthouse | Popham Beach | Maine
Pond Island Lighthouse | Popham Beach | Maine
Seaside New England | Pemaquid Point | Maine
Seaside New England | Pemaquid Point | Maine
Slow Flow | Mousam River at Kennebunk | Maine
Slow Flow | Mousam River at Kennebunk | Maine
Yin and Yang | The timeless, epic battle between powerful north Atlantic waters and coastline bedrock at Pemaquid Point. | Purchase removes copyright and replaces with small signature in lower right corner. | Purchase removes copyright and adds small signature in lower right corner. |
Yin and Yang | The timeless, epic battle between powerful north Atlantic waters and coastline bedrock at Pemaquid Point. | Purchase removes copyright and replaces with small signature in lower right corner. | Purchase removes copyright and adds small signature in lower right corner. |
Popham Beach Campsite | Maine
Popham Beach Campsite | Maine
Waterfront | Fenchman's Bay | Bar Harbor | Maine
Waterfront | Fenchman's Bay | Bar Harbor | Maine
Lincoln County | Maine
Lincoln County | Maine
Champlain's Discovery | Mount Desert Island view |Maine
Champlain's Discovery | Mount Desert Island view |Maine
Harbor Mist | Mount Desert Island |Maine
Harbor Mist | Mount Desert Island |Maine
Acadia National Park | Maine
Acadia National Park | Maine
Quietly in Acadia | Otter Cove | Maine
Quietly in Acadia | Otter Cove | Maine
York County Morning | Maine
York County Morning | Maine

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